How do I close Windows Defender in Windows10?

Windows 10 comes with antivirus software Windows Defender will protect the computer in real time to detect files, many people are accustomed to install other antivirus programs, which will easily generate conflicts, Windows Defender may also cause the removal of certain software patches, so players will try to turn off the Windows Defender service, this article will teach you how to turn off the Windows defender service.

Step 1: Turn off "real-time protection" and "tamper protection"

1. Temporarily turn off Windows Defender through Windows Defender settings

Open Windows System Settings, click Update and Security --- windows Security Center --- Virus and Threat Protection

In the "Virus and Threat Protection" settings screen, turn off "Real-time protection", "Cloud-provided protection" and "Auto-submit samples ".
If the button is grayed out and cannot be modified, then perhaps your third-party software has been turned off for you in some other way.

Step 2: Modify Group Policy
1. Press the shortcut key: Windows + R, type gpedit.msc to confirm

2、Click to expand "Computer Configuration" > "Administrative Templates" > "Windows Components" > "Windows Defender Anti-Virus Program" in turn.

3. Double-click "Disable Windows Defender Anti-Virus Program" on the right, and then select "Enabled" in the pop-up dialog box, and then click OK.

That's all for closing Windows Defende, anyone with questions may email NeoCell for further information.